New orleans eagle gay bar

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Pool tables, slot machines and shuffleboard are also on hand for an evening of fun, games and, yes, making new chums.Ĥ. Good Friends Bar: Another French Quarter destination, this watering hole lives up to its name, and the upstairs balcony, Queen's Head Pub, is especially warm, both in terms of crowd and setting, complete with wallpaper, antique molding and salon-like atmosphere. It's definitely best to hit it up later in the evening, when things really get going.ģ. Rawhide 2010: You guessed it: this French Quarter nightspot is aimed at the leather and denim set, but all boys and girls are welcomed with open arms. The $3 bloody mary is exceedingly popular for sipping on quiet Saturday nights on the balcony.Ģ. Cafe LaFitte In Exile: Established in the 1930s, Cafe LaFitte hold the distinction of being the Big Easy's oldest continuously running gay bar, and remains a fan favorite over 70 years later, especially because of its unpretentious crowd and cheap, strong drinks.

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